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Miss WoW
註冊性治療師、註冊社工、性教育工作者、認可異色知情治療師 (Kink Conscious Therapist) 。「Miss WoW」從事青少年及女性相關工作超過15年,曾在性工作者倡議、警司警誡服務、性與生殖健康及意外懷孕服務單位工作。熟悉青少年心理成長及性健康發展需要,也致力推動正面性/別教育。
Miss Wow is a registered sex therapist, social worker, sex educator and a kink conscious therapist. She has dedicated herself in a wide range of youth and women issues for over 15 years in the areas of sex work advocacy, juvenile delinquency, and sexual and reproductive health. She professes a profound understanding on adolescent psychology and the needs of sexual health while endeavors to promote positive sexual and gender education.
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