Buddies 運用已學習的敍事技巧 ,走入社區裡面收集與性/別、權力/知識 議題相關的故事。並且透過敍事式訪問,探索社群故事背後的大論述及大建構,和未來社區的性/別教育之發展方向。
Buddies utilise their acquired narrative skills and actively enter the community to collect stories related to issues of gender, power, and knowledge. Through narrative interviews, they will delve into the overarching discourses and constructs underlying community stories. This process will not only facilitate a deeper understanding of the community's narratives but also contribute to identifying the future directions for sex/ gender education within the community.
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如興趣合辦公眾教育活動,請透電郵聯絡我們 hello@wearefluid.org
If you are interested in co-organising an event, please email us at hello@wearefluid.org