對性教育工作者嚟講,有理論基礎固然重要,但點樣令性教育「落地」,同對象有效溝通,先係關鍵所在🔐「講故事」正正係其中一個最易入口嘅方式。今次我哋好榮幸邀請到臨床心理學家、敍事實踐導師 #葉劍青 (葉SIR)分享敘事實踐嘅心得,與及同性/別教育嘅密切關係。 📌 鬆綁大敍事...
我們會為入選的性/別小眾性教育大神 (Buddies) 提供敍事培訓,讓TA們了解社會中的權力建構、論述與性/別 小眾的關係
We will provide Buddies with narrative training to enhance their understanding of the power dynamics, discourses, and relationships within society concerning sexual and gender minorities.
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如興趣合辦公眾教育活動,請透電郵聯絡我們 hello@wearefluid.org
If you are interested in co-organising an event, please email us at hello@wearefluid.org