活動回顧|「兒童 X 家長性教育平衡工作坊」(下)
兒童 X 家長性教育平衡工作坊」第三回 第三節,我們非常開心邀請到兩位特別嘉賓,分別是醫生兼跨青時刻(Quarks)始辦人@mmingchann596 Ming Chan,以及香港彩虹創辦人、愛滋病患及倡議者@rainbowchinaken...
We organize public education events and webinars on different sexual and gender topics on a regular basis to promote public awareness and knowledge exchange.
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如有興趣合辦公眾教育活動,請透過電郵聯絡我們 hello@wearefluid.org
If you are interested in co-organizing an event, please email us at hello@wearefluid.org